Where is Nahdi’s head office?
Nahdi is headquartered in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Where can I access Nahdi’s latest news or corporate developments?
Please refer to the “News and Events” section of the investor relations website (https://investors.nahdi.sa)
What is Nahdi’s governance framework?
Please refer to the “Organisational Structure” section in the “Governance” section of the investor relations website (https://investors.nahdi.sa)
What is Nahdi’s fiscal calendar?
Nahdi’s fiscal year ends on 31 December.
Where can I find the latest financial information about Nahdi?
Please visit the Nahdi investor relations website (https://investors.nahdi.sa)
Where can I obtain a copy of your annual report?
Please visit the Nahdi investor relations website (https://investors.nahdi.sa) or the Saudi Exchange website (https://www.saudiexchange.sa)
How can I contact the investor relations department?
Please send any investor-related enquires to [email protected]
When is Nahdi annual meeting for shareholders?
For updates, please visit the Nahdi investor relations website (https://investors.nahdi.sa) or the Saudi Exchange website (https://www.saudiexchange.sa
When will Nahdi report earnings?
For updates, please visit the Nahdi investor relations website (https://investors.nahdi.sa) or the Saudi Exchange website (https://www.saudiexchange.sa)
Where is Nahdi listed?
Nahdi is listed on the main market of the Saudi Exchange.
What are the stock code and ticker symbol?
- 4164
As an individual investor, how do I buy shares?
Individual investors can buy/sell the Nahdi’s shares on the Exchange by opening a brokerage account with one of the Exchange members.
As a non-Saudi investor how do I buy or sell shares?
- Non-Saudi investors can buy/sell the Nahdi’s shares on the Exchange by opening a brokerage account with one of the Exchange members. Non-Saudi/GCC investors who are not residing in Saudi Arabia may acquire an economic interest in the Company’s shares by entering into a swap agreement with an Authorized Person.
- Please refer to Accessibility by Market Participants link on Tadawul to know more about the securities which non-Saudi investors can buy and the Members directory on the Securities Depository center Company (Edaa) for the list of Exchange members.
Who do I contact if I have not received my allocation of shares since the company listed?
Please contact the receiving agents from the IPO: Al Rajhi Bank ([email protected]), ANB ([email protected]), Riyad Bank ([email protected]) , Saudi National Bank ([email protected]), SABB ([email protected])
What is Nahdi’s dividend policy?
For information on dividends, please visit the corresponding section on the investor relations website https://investors.nahdi.sa
What months are dividends typically paid in?
- Dividend announcements are made after the Board of Directors’ resolution to distribute dividends. The Board of Directors’ resolution will also determine the dividends’ entitlement date, which would be disclosed in Nahdi’s announcement of the distribution of dividends.
- Dividends are to be paid within 15 business days of the announced entitlement date.
Am I eligible to receive the dividends?
- Before announcing each dividend on the Saudi Exchange, we set a date on which our shares will be sold without entitlement to the dividend. This is known as the ‘ex-dividend’ date.
- If you buy shares before the ex-dividend date you are entitled to receive the dividend recently announced.
- The dividend is paid to shareholders based on the number of shares registered in the Depository Center (Edaa) at the deadline known as the ‘record date’.
Where will the dividend be deposited?
Dividends will be deposited into the most recent portfolio account associated with Nahdi shares, as obtained from Tadawul database.
What should I do if I have not received my dividend?
- Kindly perform the below steps to ensure that you receive your dividend:
- Always link your trading account with a bank account. This can be done either online, or by visiting a branch of your brokerage firm. Unlinked accounts usually face delays in receipt of the dividend.
- Check your bank statement as well as your portfolio statement to confirm you have not received your dividend.
- Contact your brokerage firm all shareholder dividends are deposited to them by Nahdi.
- For any other queries, please contact our Investor Relations team at [email protected]
- Kindly perform the below steps to ensure that you receive your dividend: